Brett had as AWESOME report card. He earned 10 A's and 4 B's, I am not sure how 6 classes gets 14 grades but I'll take all the A's we can get.
He also was part of the Advanced Reading class. They read books and then had to take tests and do reports on the books. First place read 450,000 words (I'm not sure about you but that sounds like A LOT of reading). Second place read 269,371 - I know the exact number because that is the award that Brett received. He did not know about this award and was very excited, as were we, that he earned this $10 walmart gift card.
Mr. Earl presents Brett his promotion certificate. I really should have doctored up this picture and removed the red eye... He was laughing at Jason because he was prenting to blow a trumpet at his seat. (something to do with Santino - WWE wrestler)
Brett and Sergio - Sergio also had perfect attendance for the school year! Way to go Sergio!!!
Brett and Mr. Earl. Mr. Earl took Brett's shades. He is a really neat teacher. Glad Brett had him this year.

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